Riding Free
Designed for Individuals exposed to Trauma
Sadly, PTSD has become a prevalent disorder in our youth today with very few programs established to address the needs of this group. Symptoms of PTSD reach into emotional, mental, social and physical aspects of life. Moreover, living with PTSD poses serious adverse consequences and risks that may manifest into adulthood. The Riding Free program/pilot study was developed by Dené Mitchell, M.P.H, C.C.R.P as her masters of public health thesis at Arcadia University to address the need for programs for children in our community who have been exposed to trauma and developed PTSD. The Riding Free program is a 12 week curriculum developed specifically for adolescents with PTSD for which Arcadia University is the IRB of record.
The goals of the program are:
Increased trust and relationship skills
Increase self confidence and
Increase self-efficacy/autonomy
Every session has specific objectives in order to achieve these goals.
Interested in particating?
Fill out the prospective rider application and mail to chris@sebastianriding.org
Application includes: Welcome Letter, Physician’s Prescription, Registration Form, Emergency Release Form, Medical History Form, Release & Permissions Form